Художественная литература в Бердичеве

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5.00 5800.00 8 sellers UAH
Aforizmy troch tisícročí - Ján Brezina
Aforizmy zozbieral Ján Brezina. Aforizmy na témy: Odkiaľ prichádzaš, kam ideš ?-Medzi prameňom a ústím, Človek-môj brat, Za hlasom srdca, Práca ...
80 грн./шт.В наличии
Léčba neklidem kniha od: Saki
Humoristické povídky s vtipnou a překvapivou pointou, v nichž se střídá duchaplný salonní humor s prvky recese a černé grotesky. Společným rysem ...
50 грн./шт.В наличии
The Blooding by Joseph Wambaugh
Fifteen-year-old Lynda Mann's savagely raped and strangled body is found along a shady footpath near the English village of Narborough.
80 грн./шт.В наличии
Juan Martín el Empecinado de Benito Pérez Galdós
Juan Martín el Empecinado es la novena novela de la primera serie de los Episodios Nacionales de Benito Pérez Galdós.
50 грн./шт.В наличии
Right to the Edge: Sydney to Tokyo by Any Means
Using quad bikes, hovercrafts, wooden scooters, canoes, paragliders, and of course his favorite mode of transportation—motorcycle—Charley travels ...
200 грн./шт.В наличии
An Idiot Abroad: The Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington by Karl Pilkington
Presenting the Travel Diaries of Karl Pilkington: Adventurer. Philosopher. Idiot.
125 грн./шт.В наличии
Cuentos de Eva Luna - Isabel Allende
Una niña solitaria se enamora del amante de su madre y practica misteriosas ceremonias rituales; una mujer permanece medio siglo encerrada en
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Modern Canadian Stories by John Stevens (Editor)
Abounding in the energy, variety and unexplored riches of the modern Canadian short story, this is perhaps the most ...
85 грн./шт.В наличии
Эмрах и Сельви и другие турецкие народные повести
Сборник включает наиболее интересные образцы широко известного в Турции жанра народной повести.
200 грн./шт.В наличии
Heaven's on Hold by Sarah Harrison
David Keating fears he may be all these things. What saves him from despair is his middle-years marriage to tough driven attraction of opposites. ...
85 грн./шт.В наличии
Кульбаба бажань або веселі пригоди Гаріка і Кузі Олександр Орлов
Ви тримаєте в руках захоплюючу, а головне - цікаву не лише дітям (6+), а й дорослим, книгу про двох казкових хлопчиків крихтунів, які вирушають ...
150 грн./шт.В наличии
The Virgin and the Gipsy by D.H. Lawrence
An electrifying short novel published posthumously set in a small village in the English countryside and tells the story of a sheltered rector's ...
50 грн./шт.В наличии
Around the World in Eighty Days & Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne
This edition contains two of the most famous stories by 'The Father of Science Fiction' - Jules Verne.
85 грн./шт.В наличии
Catch Falling Spy by Len Deighton
US Secret Service high-up Colonel Mann is the main foil to the British agent in this story, which is set in the Arab world and the wastes ...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
The Maiden's Bequest, the Minister's Restoration, the Laird's Inheritance: Three Novels in One Volume - George MacDonald
Three Powerful Novels From the Scottish Writer Whom C. S. Lewis Called His "Master" The Maiden's Bequest Orphaned as a child, Annie Anderson's ....
200 грн./шт.В наличии
Landlady's Master by George MacDonald
riginally titled The Elect Lady, the story of The Landlady's Master portrays a fascinating triangle of relationships as only George MacDonald could ..
85 грн./шт.В наличии
Eyes of a Child - Richard North Patterson
A man has been found dead, a gun still wedged in his mouth. It looks like Ricardo Arias killed himself…but the physical evidence tells a different ..
85 грн./шт.В наличии
Balance of Power by Richard North Patterson
An epic story that moves with force, passion, and authority, Balance of Power begins when President Kerry Kilcannon and television journalist ...
120 грн./шт.В наличии
Silent Witness by Richard North Patterson
1967, Lake City, Ohio. Tony Lord and Sam Robb, both in their teens, are best friends and athletic rivals. Twenty-eight years later, ...
90 грн./шт.В наличии
No Safe Place Richard North Patterson
In the high-stakes, high-pressure world of Presidential politics, where predators carry microphones and one misstep can savage a lifetime ...
100 грн./шт.В наличии
Eclipse by Richard North Patterson
In a novel of international intrigue, an American lawyer, Damon Pierce, attempts to save Bobby Okari, the West African leader of a protest movement,..
120 грн./шт.В наличии
Sweet Sixteen by Annelise Heurtier
Эта история основана на реальных событиях
70 грн./шт.В наличии
Schulzenhofer Kramkalender - Erwin Strittmatter
200 poetische Miniaturen zeigen Strittmatter als brillanten Meister der kurzen, komprimierten Form: von der Anekdote bis zu Reflexionen über ...
85 грн./шт.В наличии
Hitty: Her First Hundred Years - Rachel Field
A doll named Hitty recounts her adventures--from a whaling expedition to the Civil War to the stock market crash--as she moves through...
70 грн./шт.В наличии

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